For many people, purchasing a vehicle is much more than acquiring some consumer goods and a method of transportation. Vehicle ownership is an investment in a better quality of life and a future. And like any investment, it’s important that you recoup a sizable return on your purchase. If you’re a first-time car buyer, you might seem flustered. With so many makes and models to choose from, how can you tell which one is right for you? Fear not; we’ve compiled a short list of options for you to consider.
Hyundai Elantra & Kia Rio
For many first-time buyers, cost-effectiveness and peace of mind are two attributes that take priority. Two vehicles that accommodate both are the Hyundai Elantra and Kia Rio. As they’re both four-door sedans, they’re inexpensive to insure. Another advantage is having the best warranties in the entire industry. Life can be unexpected, and knowing that you have warranty coverage that goes the extra mile is one less thing to worry about.
Nissan Leaf
If you’re looking to find a vehicle for an inexpensive price that will save you money at the pump, a used Nissan Leaf is one of the best options to take advantage of. Regardless of the brand, every vehicle generally decreases in value once driven off the lot. This process is known as depreciation, and as a consumer, you can take advantage. The leaf, one of the first EVs (Electric Vehicles) to gain widespread notoriety, will help you avoid gas prices. The leaf depreciates quickly, and purchasing one can qualify you for credit when you file your yearly taxes.
Ford Ecosport
If you’re a family-oriented consumer, it’s safe to assume that you need room for groceries and passengers of the younger and shorter variety. Luckily, a vehicle like the Ford Ecosport provides enough room for both and can maneuver its way around the city with minimal difficulty. Today’s SUVs are smaller in size and more aesthetically pleasing for the modern family than a minivan or station wagon. The Ecosport is reasonably priced with a starting MSRP of less than $23,000 and has standard AWD for tackling any terrain you embark upon for those family road trips.
Toyota Corolla
One of the highest-rated vehicles in reliability, the Toyota Corolla has long been celebrated as the ideal choice for the average consumer. With the ability to last upwards of 300,000 miles when properly maintained and starting at slightly over $20,000, it’s always a good choice to rely upon. They also have a slow depreciation and retain a decent resale value, should you ever decide to trade up for a new car down the road.
Find the Perfect Ride at Scotti’s Auto Sales
If you live in the Sarasota area and are getting ready to purchase your first vehicle, you probably have many questions. At Scotti’s Auto Sales, we not only have the answers but an expansive inventory for you to choose from. For more information, give us a call at 941-924-5885 or visit us at 2811 Bee Ridge Road in Sarasota.